PLAYERS: 1-2 alternating
DEVELOPER: Tecmo (port by Salio)
GENRE: Arcade platformer
RELEASE DATE: 03/25/88 – (JP)
Argos no Juujiken translates to “Cross-Sword of Argos,” but Western gamers will know Argos better by its Christian name, Rygar. But hold on a darn tootin’. I’m not talking about the beloved action/adventure Rygar for NES. I’m talking about the original arcade game, the straightforward put-one-hoof-in-front-of-the-other platformer that hardly anyone’s played. Tecmo’s NES platformer added RPG elements like experience and magic, and by doing so, they accidentally created the definitive version of Rygar. The Master System got a more-or-less straight port of arcade Rygar by a mysterious developer named Salio, ’cause why devote effort to a system that’s failing anyway? As per usual, pity the poor Master System.
![Argos no Juujiken (J) [!]005](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/argos-no-juujiken-j-005.jpg?w=300)
You play as Rygar, wielder of the Disk-Armor, otherwise known as a heavy shield on a long piece of rope. Rygar walks from left to right in what appears to be a series of ancient Grecian caverns, smacking down gargoyles, meatball cyclops, chameleons, and other possibly innocent bystanders. His hits are deadly, always: one hit from the Disk-Armor and enemies explode into the dark of the caverns. But Rygar is just as vulnerable as those he attacks. One hit will cause him to die as well.
![Argos no Juujiken (J) [!]004](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/argos-no-juujiken-j-004.jpg?w=300)
And thus, with one-hit kills and a difficulty as unforgiving as Rygar himself, Argos no Juujiken is unfair – as most arcade platformers in the 80s were. The difference between Argos and other platformers is that, generally speaking, one could get better at the latter with time, patience, and quarters upon quarters. I’m not sure that’s possible with Argos. The enemies deployed are belligerent and numerous, and they appear at random.
![Argos no Juujiken (J) [!]000](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/argos-no-juujiken-j-000.jpg?w=300)
Yes, randomly generated enemies are as annoying as they sound. Imagine in Ninja Gaiden II if the obnoxious birds showed up wherever they felt like: the moment you started level 1 – but not all the time – or while you were fighting a boss – but not all the time. Not only that, but the birds appeared two or three at a time, depending on the game’s whims. Thankfully, this does not happen: Ninja Gaiden II clings to reason with firm enemy placement. This doesn’t make Ninja Gaiden II easier, but it does make the game beatable with time. In Argos, you have no such luxury. The one luxury you do have – unlimited continues – feels like an acknowledgement that, yes, the game is too hard, but we didn’t know how to balance the difficulty, so please accept these unlimited continues as our peace offering. No dice, Salio.
![Argos no Juujiken (J) [!]001](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/argos-no-juujiken-j-001.jpg?w=300)
Thanks to the unlimited continues, Argos no Juujiken is not unbeatable, but the road is long and fraught with piles of Rygar corpses. There are five power-ups that can be found in floating holders across each level, but a couple of them don’t seem to do anything other than possibly expand the size of your Disk-Armor’s; “possibly,” because I couldn’t tell what they actually did. One extends the length of the Disk-Armor, while another increases your jumping ability. These power-ups are nice and all, but once you die, they disappear, making them more or less worthless.
![Argos no Juujiken (J) [!]002](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/argos-no-juujiken-j-002.jpg?w=300)
Playing Argos no Juujiken is akin to voluntarily walking on miles of broken glass. Walk quickly and you might push through the pain, but you’ll end up with two bloody nubs for feet. Walk slowly and the pain will be more severe, but your feet – nay, your soul – might still be intact by the end of the ordeal. I don’t demand quick progression from my action games, but it would be nice to feel as though I’m playing a hero, instead of a weak fool that happens to have a strong weapon. Thanks to the randomized clusters of enemies, going slow is the only way to go. Try to beat the game in a timely fashion i.e. not one step at a time, and Argos sends out more enemies to slow your progress. That ’80s movie was right: the gods must be crazy.
![Argos no Juujiken (J) [!]003](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/argos-no-juujiken-j-003.jpg?w=300)
Yeah, Argos is stupid hard for no reason, but here’s the larger issue: Rygar for the NES had already been out for a year by the time Argos was released. A year was more than enough time for Salio to take notice of Tecmo’s improvements and adjust their port accordingly. But no. Argos no Juujiken makes poor Rygar suffer the fate of a thousand deaths just to get through his monotonous adventure. Pity Rygar’s unavoidable fate. Pity the mysterious Salio, who only made Argos and a port of Solomon’s Key before vanishing into a game dev abyss. And pity the Master System’s few faithful Japanese fans, whose loyalty to Sega’s console was often rewarded with mediocre region-specific games like Argos. You held on to the bitter end and were rewarded with dust, but hey, at least Phantasy Star was fun, right?
7 replies on “Argos no Juujiken / Rygar (Master System, 1988)”
You know back In the day I would have wanted this, I remember playing the NES game and thinking this is nothing like the arcade. Why did they add all this stuff to slow the game down and make it confusing? Maybe better reasoning has prevailed now. But at the time the console standard was how closely could your game match the arcade , going back to the Atari 2600. I guess Sega was always more of an arcade style system. Maybe it’s why I bought it. That mindset was kind of broken later on, but I do enjoy simple arcade gameplay. Only later did I realize that Rygar on NES is really good. It’s just not the arcade. I guess there is room for exact arcade ports and console reimaginings. Too bad this game isn’t that good.
I think the arcade version of Rygar is fine, but this port is definitely more than a little busted. I hear what you’re saying, though, about the console standard of matching the arcade. I remember being in awe of how close Street Fighter II for SNES matched the arcade at the time. 75 of my parent’s bucks well spent!
I am not really a fan of the arcade version of this game. Mostly because the first version I played was the NES game. I find the arcade game somewhat boring and when I recently played the Master System game I was not happy with the end result for this conversion.
Rygar on the NES was a game I played a lot when I was younger and loved it. I have completed the game multiple times. I take it out every year or so and beat it because I have great memory’s of this game.
The Master System version made me very sad and I wished they had just copied the NES game.
Personally I think the NES version does just about everything better then the Master System game.
Thanks for the great review.
There is some speculation that Salio was really Techmo. Or some offshoot made just to publish a SMS game, like Konami and Ultra. As the address for the company was suspiciously close to Techmos’s headquarters. This would now mark the first true third party (And only Japanese one) to grace the Master System.
So you’ve finally warmed up to the NES version, DC? Good to see you’re still going strong with this project. You’re writing is getting ridiculously exceptional, I’ve missed alot here…
Welcome back, brother. It’s been awhile. Thanks for the compliment, I’ve been trying out new styles here and there.
And yeah, Rygar on the NES is a work of art compared to the MS version. I will probably be re-reviewing it for the NES book.
Here in the UK we have a catalogue company called Argos and working for them is as brutal as this game sounds.