Good morrow, friends!
Spring arrived about a week ago, which means my quarterly Sega Does update is fashionably late as usual.
I’ve been working behind the scenes to improve the look of the blog. Some of you may have noticed more obvious changes, like the front page no longer featuring the full review and header images in more recent reviews. Expect more changes in the coming weeks. I’m really trying to make the site as user-friendly as possible.
More good news: all the games lists are finally live! The Dreamcast lists were completed a couple weeks ago. That means all the games I (or a guest author) will ever play and review are currently on the site. Only took three years! Yeesh.
While I wish I was done with the games lists, I’m currently moving backwards and revising the lists to feature both the game name and the date of release. Take Saturn – 1996, for example. The date is listed first – 01/20/96 – followed by the game. Not all the lists are complete in this manner yet, but I’m hoping to have most, if not all of them, complete by the end of April.

I’m also going to be making alphabetical lists for all systems. This is something that I’ve had requests for since the beginning of the site, but I’ve held off because of the site’s chronological leanings. As I progress further into the quest, however, I realize that people often only respond to games they have a connection with. Why make it difficult for people to find a review, particularly if they have no real interest in the Sega quest as a whole?
That should do it for now. As always, thanks so much for hanging out while I talk about old Sega games.
– DC
4 replies on “Sega Does Update – Spring 2017”
Thanks for the update – those game lists sound like a pain! Fair play to you for completing them however!
The Pay Pal button is a good idea. I always baulk when asked to make a regular payment, as you never know what will happen the next month. However, making an additional hoc payment, when funds are available, appeals to me.
I’m a nerd that likes spreadsheets, so I actually enjoy making the lists. They just take a lot of time.
And thanks for the feedback on the Paypal button!
Those are some great additions. Like RR, I like the idea of an ad hoc donation rather than a monthly commitment.
Thanks Rom!