GENRE: Action/adventure
RELEASE DATE: 06/02/88 – (JP), 04/89 – (US), 1989 – (EU)
After months of fighting, dungeon crawling, and exploring, you’ve vanquished Phantasy Star. The adventure you’ve just had will live on forever in your mind as one of the greatest, most difficult trials you’ve ever been through. Exotic planets, mysterious companions, ancient evils, hours upon hours of battle. You feel like you should be tired, but you crave further skirmishes. You’re not expecting another Phantasy Star – not yet – but perhaps Sega has something to tide you over until the sequel’s arrival.
![Lord of the Sword (UE) [!]000](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/lord-of-the-sword-ue-000.jpg?w=300)
You turn to Lord of the Sword. The title conjures up images of forgotten prog bands or a late-night Skin-emax film starring a Kevin Sorbo-look alike, but you take a chance anyway. Your hopeful optimism is squandered by a generic story, clunky combat, mindless wandering, and repetitive gameplay. You play through it ’til the end – until the Demon Lord Ra Goan has tasted the sharp edge of your sword. Your bitter disappointment with the game is fully justified by successful completion. You cleanse your Master System’s innards with air afterwards and apologize to it, knowing that the system suffered more than you did. You place Phantasy Star back into the system as a gentle reminder to yourself. Phantasy Star is quality. Every other so-called Master System ‘adventure’ is second-rate.
![Lord of the Sword (UE) [!]001](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/lord-of-the-sword-ue-001.jpg?w=300)
But enough of that. In Lord of the Sword, you play as Landau, a beefcake extraordinaire who’s able to wield a sword and a bow and arrow. He is able to wield two weapons because each weapon is assigned to Buttons I and II respectively, leaving ‘Up’ as jump. I’ve discussed my frustration with the jump function being assigned to anything other than ‘A’ or, in the Master System’s case, ‘II.’ Yet even with this poor button assignment, Landau controls like the lord Sega purports him to be. Jumping is intuitive, shooting arrows feels smooth and responsive, sword-play is solid. All is well.
The problem with Landau – the problem, one could argue, with most video game beefcakes – is his size in relation to the creatures around him. He’s huge. Most of the enemies he faces are bugs, bats, spiders, fish, and the occasional demon or Tree Spirit. These smaller creatures need precise hits to die, and the game suffers from atrocious hit detection. As a result, Landau gets hit a lot; more than lords of swords ever should. I’ve ostensibly sliced open evil large-mouth bass with my sword only to have them keep on livin’ until I touch them with the tip. The best way to fight is to swing and shoot wildly. You may not hit everything, but this button-mashing method will ensure Landau lives to lord another day.
![Lord of the Sword (UE) [!]002](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/lord-of-the-sword-ue-002.jpg?w=300)
Thanks to the game’s ridiculous fantasy world, Lord of the Sword looks as though it could be an action/RPG a la Zelda II. Outside of meandering aimlessly over dozens of screens filled with enemies, the game displays little depth. The environments of the game are as follows: towns, mountains, forests, caves, rivers, swamps, and undergrounds. Sounds like a lot, but these are all cut-and-paste environments, with only slight changes between screens. Each screen takes a good twenty seconds or so to walk through, with only combat to keep you busy. There’s no hidden items, no dungeons to explore, nothing but fighting the same garden snakes and mutated scorpions over and over. The environments look ok and some of the enemy designs are neat (the hovering eyeball is the clear favorite), but they weren’t enough to keep my interest throughout the game.
![Lord of the Sword (UE) [!]003](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/lord-of-the-sword-ue-003.jpg?w=300)
Towns: the beloved refuge of the wayward adventurer. In the towns of Lord of the Sword, you talk to the villager to figure out where to go next. That’s it, and yes, I said the villager. There’s only one villager in each town, and while talking to them raises your health if you’re low, the towns serve little purpose otherwise. No shops or bars or comely wenches to flirt with – no atmosphere, in other words. I suppose you could consider the towns a stopgap in between the more treacherous regions of Baljinya, especially since the game doesn’t have a pause feature. All in all, though, towns are worthless.
![Lord of the Sword (UE) [!]004](https://segadoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/lord-of-the-sword-ue-004.jpg?w=300)
Landau’s adept controls aside, Lord of the Sword is the epitome of a mediocre adventure. I hesitate to even use the term ‘adventure.’ The game plays more like a non-linear Altered Beast, the much-reviled action arcade game that came packed with the original Genesis. Now, Altered Beast was a cheesy game, no question, but at least it never pretended that it was anything more than an arcade game. Lord of the Sword takes RPG trappings and crafts a perfectly pointless action title out of them. True heroes, look elsewhere for thy entertainment.
5 replies on “Lord of the Sword (Master System, 1988)”
Though I bought this one a year or 2 ago at a thrift shop, I haven’t come around playing it yet. The lack of a password/save system (at least that’s what I read somewhere) – it being an adventure game – holds me temporarily back. But perhaps I overestimate the vastness and compexity of it’s world? Anyways I will boot it up eventually!
Is this game in the same vein as “Battle of Olympus” ? (A few years ago, a friend of mine actually picked BoO together with TMNT up out of a dumpster and gave it to me). I had a hell of time with that game. So if LotS is anything alike, I just know that I will greatly enjoy it! I read your Questicle review of BoO, so I do realise you think the game is awful. A lot of the flaws you attribute to LotS seem to apply equally to BoO (especially having to fight flexible little creatures). You rated “Lord” (slightly) higher than “Battle” … could this count as a recommendation for me?
“After months of fighting, dungeon crawling, and exploring, you’ve vanquished Phantasy Star.”
You know me missed out on all the important NES RPG’s over here in Europe. So games like Faxanadu, Wonder Boy and Battle of Olympus, were probably as in-depth as they came
Battle of Olympus wasn’t for me, but I’ve heard arguments for it since my Questicle review and I understand the potential for the game more now. Even though I still don’t like it.
Lord of the Sword is not that way. It is blah and always will be.
I kind of liked this game. Don’t ask me why. Maybe it was the large sprites? I didn’t love it, but I had fun beating it. It must have been a little complex because I remember being stuck for along time have ing to do something with a tree. Finally a friend at school walked me through it. And I wouldn’t say Altered Beast was much reviled. It was a good game, just after 3 or 4 play troughs you were probrably done with it.
I remember renting this back in day. I think I played for a few hours and decided I had a boring weekend ahead of me.
Not a good game.
Great review
I actually just bought this in a small lot of SMS games today LOL. Guess I’ll know next week if I like it or not.